Iran,Mashhad Companies List
Address:Part 110, 2nd South Pushesh St., 14th Km.of Kalat Rd., Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 2453404, 2454206 (+98-(+98-511) 2453404, 2454206)
Address:No.181, North Tabaresi Blvd., 93581, Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 2454232-3 (+98-(+98-511) 2454232-3)
Address:Part 234, Kalat Rd.Industrial Town, Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 2454340, 8543007 (+98-(+98-511) 2454340, 8543007)
Address:Mashhad Patil Co., Opposite Shir Hesar Rd., 25th Km. of Chodan Khorasan, Qoochan, Mashhad Asian Exp.Way, Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 2463461-3 (+98-(+98-511) 2463461-3)
Address:25th Km.of Qouchan Rd., After Saqarvan Turn, Chahar Talaqi Industrial Town, 9355118315, Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 2463639-40? 2465515 (+98-(+98-511) 2463639-40? 2465515)
Address:Next to Amini Zariin Toos Glass Shop, 2 Kms.After Nazeriyeh Gasoline Station, 20th Km.of Asiaii Free Way, Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 2493671-4 (+98-(+98-511) 2493671-4)
Address:End of 43th Fath St. on the Left, Mofatteh St., Mofatteh Blvd., Tollab St., 9185113111, Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 2573031-4 (+98-(+98-511) 2573031-4)
Address:No.1067, Bet. 69th & 71st Sts., Emam Khomeini St., Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 2593979 (+98-(+98-511) 2593979)
Address:Right Rd., After Siman T-Junction, 17th Km.of Kalat Rd., 93581, Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 2625002 (+98-(+98-511) 2625002)
Address:Unit 6, 2nd Fl., Bazargah Trade Complex, Faramarz Abbasi Blvd., Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 2673737, 2673511-2 (+98-(+98-511) 2673737, 2673511-2)
Address:Garagdarha Cross Rd., Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 3410694, 3424040 (+98-(+98-511) 3410694, 3424040)
Address:Behind Khorasan Flour Mill, 15th Km. of Fariman Rd., Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 3411787 (+98-(+98-511) 3411787)
Address:Opposite Mosalla 10, Mosalla Blvd., Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 3643490 , 3643191 (+98-(+98-511) 3643490 , 3643191)
Address:Corner of 17th Mosalla St., Mosalla Blvd., 9167694916, Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 3650090-92 (+98-(+98-511) 3650090-92)
Address:3rd Km.of Shahid Baqeri Complex, Ferdosi Cemetery Rd., Asiaee Rd., Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 3658520-9, 3004287 (+98-(+98-511) 3658520-9, 3004287)
Address:17th Km. of Sarakhs Rd., Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 3690805-9 (+98-(+98-511) 3690805-9)
Address:1st Phase, Kalat Industrial Town, Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 3713808 (+98-(+98-511) 3713808)
Address:Next to Sazman Ab Shahrak, Robat Taragh St., Km. 1st Neishaboor Rd., Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 3810808, 3811068 (+98-(+98-511) 3810808, 3811068)
Address:Tobat Toroq Village, Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 3810944, 3811131 (+98-(+98-511) 3810944, 3811131)
Address:No.52, 6th Kargar St., Toroq Industrial Town, Mashhad Tel:(+98-511) 3921080-1 (+98-(+98-511) 3921080-1)